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My academic background


I did my PhD in Neurosciences at the Mediterranean Neurobiology Institute (INMED) in Marseille between 2006 and 2010. My thesis topic was on the structure and function of neuronal networks in the cortex during postnatal development.


I then did a post-doctoral fellowship on synaptic plasticity of neocortical neurons at the Institut Cerveau (ICM) at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris until 2015.  


Other courses


Between 2015 and 2018 I followed several trainings that allowed me to orient my research in the field of psychology: 


I passed a University Diploma (DU) in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CBT) from Paris-Descartes University. 


I trained in the method of desensitization and reprocessing of traumatic memories: EMDR, at the French Institute of EMDR. 


I followed the training of yogatherapy with Dr Lionel Coudron and the training of yoga teaching at the Parisian school of Ashtanga Yoga of Caroline Boulinguez.





Since 2017 I have been a clinical research fellow at the Ville-Evrard public health institution.

I am also a yogatherapy practitioner at the Ville-Evrard public health institution and at the Maison Des Femmes at the Saint-Denis hospital. 

I teach neuroscience applied to yoga in different yoga training schools and I give conferences on neuroscience in companies.


Camille Allene - Docteure en Neurosciences et Conférencière

Design par Franck Livolant